I know, I know you are probably asking, "what is Michael Browning doing on our blog?". Well you'll have to talked to Laura and Tanjie. They invited me. No really I thank Tanjie for the invitation to share a little about what is going on with us. (Teresa, Garrett and CoraElizabeth[CoraBeth for short])
Wow, it was great to see some of the pixs on the slide show. Everyone is looking great! I haven't found a good family photo of us yet, when I do I will post it. When you get a chance you can check out my blog for some photos and video what we have done in the past.
Where to begin? Well first let me preface this by saying I will avoid politics and religion. I will refer to what we are doing as ministry. Because that is our life and I can't really separate the two just because how entwined it is.
Coming up in July we will have just about completed four years of living cross-culturally. The first year we lived in Costa Rica attending an Spanish speaking institute. After completing our time there we packed up and moved to Uruguay, South America. If you are wondering where is that? Look it up, to be specific we live in a small town called "Treinta y Tres" (33 is how is translates). I would go into the history of the name but I'll save for future post. For the past almost three years, we have been working in ministry and living in a very different culture. Learning a new language, eating different foods and making new friendships.
Our son Garrett is now sixteen years old. He is an avid cyclist. He races road bikes as well as mountain bikes. His most recent best finish was an international mountain bike race, where he placed third in his category.
Our daughter CoraBeth is now eleven. During the school year here she participates in a gymnastics class. She is very imaginative, she loves to draw, paint and what ever else that engages her imagination.
Teresa is busy daily taking care of us. I would try to explain but again not enough time or space for this post. She is as beautiful as always and I love her more each day that passes.
And for me, well I'm marching on. Still working with the language. That will be a life long process. Living cross culturally has it's ups and downs. But I'm thankful each day for the opportunity for being to live outside the box.
Hi, Michael & Teresa!
Thanks for posting to our 1980s CHS blog!
It'll be so wonderful keeping up with you.
Congrats to Garrett on the great finish in his most recent race!
P.S. That first comment was also me. I deleted it because I had 1908 instead of 1980 and wanted to correct it.
See ya!
Hey Mike! It's great to hear from you. I'm glad your family is doing well. I was thinking about you just this weekend, so it is funny you have posted to this blog. You know that I have been an avid road runner for the past 8 years or so, but I finally have taken up trail running. I remember you tried to get me into it a few years ago and now I am hooked. We've been training for a 1/2 marathon on the monosanto trails and completed 15 miles on Sat. After marathons and many other races I have to say that the trail running is the most challenging workout I have ever had. Great to hear from you and God bless!!
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