Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hey! Looks like everyone is busy as we are. I hope everyone is doing ok! I was at moms the other night and she asked me to get all of my old yearbooks and bring them home with me. I was a little mad at first and then as I started to look through them I was glad she had asked me to get them. I don't have a lot of free time these days with coaching and Jensen in cheering, soccer and cross country, but in my few minutes of spare time I have had time to look through them. It is amazing how just looking at those pictures can bring back so many memories!! Tanjie reminded me of one yesterday at the Duck and Run. It was scorching hot and I had left my all metal sun glasses ($1 at Sann Ann Ha!) on the dash board of my truck. I jumped in and put them on not thinking about them sitting in the sun all day and they burned a perfect outline of sunglasses on my face! I remember putting moms ponds cold cream on it to make it better! There were also pictures of Ms. Wunderlich, Mr. Greenhaw and Mr. Pettus that made me reflect on what all they had done for me in high school. It's hard to believe they are not around anymore. I watch these kids at school every day and wonder if they are making the great memories that I had when I was in school. I also found a tape of our senior play when cleaning out my room. It's priceless!! Rhega flipping over that couch is still hilarious!!! I hope everyone has a good week! Later!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Dimple Smith
My mother spoke with Travis yesterday at mid-day as he and his brother, Tim, were en route to Birmingham. Terri's husband, Chris, is in intensive care down there and they are still trying to determine what's wrong. Because of this, it will probably be a few days before they are able to make funeral arrangements.
Thanks, Barry, for yesterday's post.
We'll post the funeral and visitation info here as soon as possible.
God Bless.
Thanks, Barry, for yesterday's post.
We'll post the funeral and visitation info here as soon as possible.
God Bless.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Travis's mom
Just found out Travis's mom Dimple passed away this morning. I don't know any arrangements yet. Her visitation will be a Spry's. I'll try to find out. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Toda Prueba 2008 Treinta y Tres..
Looks like it has been a while since anyone has posted anything so I thought I would go ahead post some personal news. Two weekends ago I got talked into doing an adventure race with two individuals who had just recently started exersizing. (running and cycling). That didn't sound right. We actually started training end of March, first of April. Both individuals just recently purchased mtbs. With one having some experience in running but not in a race format. So really both had no racing experience of any kind. Not that I'm a pro but the last 4 or 5 years I have learned a little on how to train. So we set off on training and planning. This was a two day race. Close to 200 kilometers in all. The disciplines included trekking, mtb, canoing, bike and run (two riding while one running taking turns) and boyua cross (swimming with a inner tube).First day we made two errors. First, confusion on what pass to take to get to one of the control points, that took an extra 15 minutes. Second, apparently I didn't understand at the pre-race meeting. (Go figure, different language and they talk fast!) After the fact one of my teammates remembered but that was after the fact. We were supposed to go to one location before another. that cost us a 20 minute penalty along with putting us in the dark on the last bike leg. First day we arrived 14th out of 19th with a time of 9 hours and 9 minutes. Second day we did better but it didn't start out good. Right at the gun start one of my teammates "pinchÓ" had a flat. That took about 10 minutes to fix along with finding the thorn in the tire that caused it. After getting started again, the weaker cyclist grabbed hold of my back pack, and off to the races trying to make up some time. I think that was the first time I put my legs under a constant strain for that amount of time with no recovery. The lactic acid was so thick it felt like my thighs were going to explode. But finally we made to the first virtual check point then onto the check point where we changed disciplines. Trekking or cross country running was next. Just about 13 kilometers. One of my teammates (Gustavo) said that is was the longest 13 in his life. I will lean toward that it was longer than 13 as well. At this point is where the race started to change for us. We decided that we would only run the flats and down hills. Be knowing to us most of it was flat. About mid way we started encountering teams and dropping them as well. Once we reached the next check point we were sitting pretty good on positions. From that cp to the next we could go by any direction. Prior to this most of the dirt roads and cut thrus were mandatory. So there was a friend of ours that knew a short cut that cut about 6 kilometers of that stage. Once arriving at the next cp we were sitting at 5th position. From that check point we continued on mtb and arriving at the boyau cross and canoe. After that we arrived in the plaza of the city fifth for the day and 10th over all. We surprized many people. We had heard that when we arrived at the first check point of the first day, they didn't think we would finish at all. It was a great race and my two team mates showed me up on many occasions.
Check out some photos when you got some time...A Toda Prueba
Check out some photos when you got some time...A Toda Prueba
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What is she doing!!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Two Jims
Does anyone know what became of Jim Graham?
Am I the only one who remembers that time in 10th or 11th grade when he spent like a whole week fascinated with the word "dilapidated"?
And what about Jim Juelfs? Whatever happened to him?
Am I the only one who remembers that time in 10th or 11th grade when he spent like a whole week fascinated with the word "dilapidated"?
And what about Jim Juelfs? Whatever happened to him?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monica's Grandma
Hello, Schoolmates.
I just received the following info in an e-mail from Gretta:
Monica's grandmother passed away last night. Also,
her aunt Hilda, her mom's only remaining sibling is seriously
ill with cancer. She has really been struggling and has had some recent
set backs. Thought you all might want to add them to your prayers. I
know Carolyn (Monica's mom) has really had her hands full lately as
she's been her mom's and her sister's main caregiver for several months
now. Say a special prayer for her.
I don't know the exact funeral arrangements right now, but the
visitation is planned for Wednesday evening @ Spry funeral home.
I just received the following info in an e-mail from Gretta:
Monica's grandmother passed away last night. Also,
her aunt Hilda, her mom's only remaining sibling is seriously
ill with cancer. She has really been struggling and has had some recent
set backs. Thought you all might want to add them to your prayers. I
know Carolyn (Monica's mom) has really had her hands full lately as
she's been her mom's and her sister's main caregiver for several months
now. Say a special prayer for her.
I don't know the exact funeral arrangements right now, but the
visitation is planned for Wednesday evening @ Spry funeral home.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Second Grade Person
I am wondering if you are talking about a girl whose name was Mary Ann O'Connell?? I remember her being in our room and don't know what happened to her. Anyway, that is it for my guess. How is every one?
Marty R.
I am wondering if you are talking about a girl whose name was Mary Ann O'Connell?? I remember her being in our room and don't know what happened to her. Anyway, that is it for my guess. How is every one?
Marty R.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hey guys! I'm very excited about this blog as well. I plan to add pictures of me and my crew soon. Sometimes I wonder if I exist anymore, you wouldn't know by the pictures at my house. I know I got married, because I'm in those pictures. I know I have two children because there are pictures of me at two distinctly different baby showers sporting the big belly. But, somehow, there is no other photographic proof of my existence other than my drivers license. Funny how kids change things.
It sounds as though everyone is doing great. Me and mine are doing well. We stay busy like most families, work, kids and their activities and church. The kids are on spring break this week so I get a little extra shut eye in the morning. Goodness knows the last thing two teenagers want is to be "disturbed" early in the morning during spring break. I risk my life just by walking down the hall to their bedrooms.
Tanjie, thanks again for putting this together. Will blog soon!
It sounds as though everyone is doing great. Me and mine are doing well. We stay busy like most families, work, kids and their activities and church. The kids are on spring break this week so I get a little extra shut eye in the morning. Goodness knows the last thing two teenagers want is to be "disturbed" early in the morning during spring break. I risk my life just by walking down the hall to their bedrooms.
Tanjie, thanks again for putting this together. Will blog soon!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
You are close!!!
The contents are close or may be it is an ingredient of Red Bull who knows. The "cup" or "Mate cup" is actually a small gord that is cut and then covered with leather. There is normally a rim that is put on it as well. Some have it some don't. I've seen just a plain gord. some even use a glass. The straw or "Bombilla" has an spoon at the end of it with a screen. I'll post some photos later to illustrate. Which gives me an idea. I will photo jurnal the whole process. The contents is a type of tea leaf. It is called "yerba". This tea comes in different brands and flavors. It has many medicinal purposes. But really the drinking of or the action of "Matando"(drinking ma-tea)is a very cultural thing here. I'll post some more later on how and why. Now some have said it favors a water bong. For those that won't admit it, yes it is similar as well. When I get my photos in line, I'll got through the whole process of preparing and drinking "Mate".
Can't remember
Can anyone remember when we were in second grade and a girl (this is what I can't remember) came to Mrs. Berzett's class and she brought pictures of a car bomb that was supposedly in her dad's car. I was watching a special on TV about car bombing and it popped in my mind but I can't remember who it was. If you know could you let me know? I just remember seeing those pictures and they looked alot what they were showing on the special that day. Tanjie, I saw Mrs Lovell (4th grade) the other day and alot of memories came back. Do you remember when she fell over in that desk she was sitting in? She fell on my foot! Good times! (Mike is it Red Bull?)
Friday, March 14, 2008
You Asked for it!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mike Browning Rocks!
I realize the adage "so -n- so rocks" is dated but I don't care. After all, this is an '80s blog!
Anyway...I think Mike rocks because he actually took the time to make a blog post!
Yea, Mike!
I can't wait to see the haircut photo!
(This is only going to work as a cool way to keep in touch if everyone, at least occasionally, posts!)
Anyway...I think Mike rocks because he actually took the time to make a blog post!
Yea, Mike!
I can't wait to see the haircut photo!
(This is only going to work as a cool way to keep in touch if everyone, at least occasionally, posts!)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Hair Cuts?
Well I thought I would share a little of our day to day life. We normally all get up eat a little breakfast. The kids get started on school. Teresa is popping the wip and I am answering emails and preparing for a group we have coming down to hold a basketball camp next week.
Well during the day after I get back from a 50k training ride, I decide to go get my hair cut. Well... you say what is so special about that. Well...let me explain. While we (my barber who has cut my hair the last two years) are discussing a television program that he seems to be more interest in than my cutting my hair. He makes a wack through my hair with trimmers on a setting of 2. Well I have tried to take a proper picture but needless to say I will be wearing a hat for a while. Nothing is normal when you are living cross culturally. Day to day living is defined quiet differently. If you just got to see a photo, I'll get Teresa to take one if she can quit laughing long enough.
Till my next post which will be soon because I got to tell you about me installing a duchero in a church...I'll let you see if you can figure that word out first.
Well during the day after I get back from a 50k training ride, I decide to go get my hair cut. Well... you say what is so special about that. Well...let me explain. While we (my barber who has cut my hair the last two years) are discussing a television program that he seems to be more interest in than my cutting my hair. He makes a wack through my hair with trimmers on a setting of 2. Well I have tried to take a proper picture but needless to say I will be wearing a hat for a while. Nothing is normal when you are living cross culturally. Day to day living is defined quiet differently. If you just got to see a photo, I'll get Teresa to take one if she can quit laughing long enough.
Till my next post which will be soon because I got to tell you about me installing a duchero in a church...I'll let you see if you can figure that word out first.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Who's Who
Our list of blog-team members is growing!
So far, we have (as noted in the list at right):
Sam -- Samantha Crouch Beyer, a 1986 classmate until about eighth or ninth grade when her family moved to Texas. She's been back in this area for quite a few years now. She and her husband have one daughter and one son.
Michael -- Mike Browning from the Class of 1985 and his wife Teresa Nails Browning from the Class of 1987. They have one son and one daughter. Visit the Browning Family blog.
EHStrackcoach -- Barry Pugh (1986) who is now a teacher at Elkmont High School. He and his wife, Leigh, have one daughter.
Kim Nugent Harbin -- Kimberly (1986) is married to Kasey Harbin (Tanner 198?) and is a stay-at-home wife and mother of two.
Tanjie -- Tanjie Nash Schrimsher (1986) That's me! I'm now working as Recycling Coordinator for Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful. I've been married to Brian Schrimsher (East Limestone 1981) for almost three years and we are the parents of a fabulously wonderful & rascally 20-month-old boy.
Marty R. -- Marty Adams (1986) Check out Marty's intro post for more info on his family or visit his photography blog.
Laura -- Laura Nails Reese (1986) Laura works at GE and is the mother of two boys. They enjoy traveling all over the world.
Gretta -- Gretta White Kilgore (1986) Gretta is married to Tom Kilgore (1985) and teaches high school science courses at our alma mater. She and Tom have two sons.
So far, we have (as noted in the list at right):
Sam -- Samantha Crouch Beyer, a 1986 classmate until about eighth or ninth grade when her family moved to Texas. She's been back in this area for quite a few years now. She and her husband have one daughter and one son.
Michael -- Mike Browning from the Class of 1985 and his wife Teresa Nails Browning from the Class of 1987. They have one son and one daughter. Visit the Browning Family blog.
EHStrackcoach -- Barry Pugh (1986) who is now a teacher at Elkmont High School. He and his wife, Leigh, have one daughter.
Kim Nugent Harbin -- Kimberly (1986) is married to Kasey Harbin (Tanner 198?) and is a stay-at-home wife and mother of two.
Tanjie -- Tanjie Nash Schrimsher (1986) That's me! I'm now working as Recycling Coordinator for Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful. I've been married to Brian Schrimsher (East Limestone 1981) for almost three years and we are the parents of a fabulously wonderful & rascally 20-month-old boy.
Marty R. -- Marty Adams (1986) Check out Marty's intro post for more info on his family or visit his photography blog.
Laura -- Laura Nails Reese (1986) Laura works at GE and is the mother of two boys. They enjoy traveling all over the world.
Gretta -- Gretta White Kilgore (1986) Gretta is married to Tom Kilgore (1985) and teaches high school science courses at our alma mater. She and Tom have two sons.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Who would have guessed?
I know, I know you are probably asking, "what is Michael Browning doing on our blog?". Well you'll have to talked to Laura and Tanjie. They invited me. No really I thank Tanjie for the invitation to share a little about what is going on with us. (Teresa, Garrett and CoraElizabeth[CoraBeth for short])
Wow, it was great to see some of the pixs on the slide show. Everyone is looking great! I haven't found a good family photo of us yet, when I do I will post it. When you get a chance you can check out my blog for some photos and video what we have done in the past.
Where to begin? Well first let me preface this by saying I will avoid politics and religion. I will refer to what we are doing as ministry. Because that is our life and I can't really separate the two just because how entwined it is.
Coming up in July we will have just about completed four years of living cross-culturally. The first year we lived in Costa Rica attending an Spanish speaking institute. After completing our time there we packed up and moved to Uruguay, South America. If you are wondering where is that? Look it up, to be specific we live in a small town called "Treinta y Tres" (33 is how is translates). I would go into the history of the name but I'll save for future post. For the past almost three years, we have been working in ministry and living in a very different culture. Learning a new language, eating different foods and making new friendships.
Our son Garrett is now sixteen years old. He is an avid cyclist. He races road bikes as well as mountain bikes. His most recent best finish was an international mountain bike race, where he placed third in his category.
Our daughter CoraBeth is now eleven. During the school year here she participates in a gymnastics class. She is very imaginative, she loves to draw, paint and what ever else that engages her imagination.
Teresa is busy daily taking care of us. I would try to explain but again not enough time or space for this post. She is as beautiful as always and I love her more each day that passes.
And for me, well I'm marching on. Still working with the language. That will be a life long process. Living cross culturally has it's ups and downs. But I'm thankful each day for the opportunity for being to live outside the box.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Barry Pugh post
I can't believe we have been out of school for nearly 22 years. It doesn't seem real. Thanks again Tanjie for creating this blog. (We have a runners blog too, hence the EHS track coach) Speaking of track, I am very busy this time of year having practice and going to meets. I have been teaching at Elkmont for 16 years now. It's weird watching the students you taught in Kindergarten start driving and then graduate. Remember how 12 years used to seem like a long time!! Thanks again Tanjie and I know this will help us all keep in touch
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Marty R. Adams post

I have been busy. I have just finished my 40th. birthday. Wow, what fun that was. I work at Redstone Arsenal. I work in the IT department. I have been married for almost 19 years. I have 3 boys. Landon, Nathaniel, and Kenneth-James. 14,13, and 8. We love baseball, football, baseketball, and NASCAR. We live in Athens were I plan on dying. I don't like to travel much at all. I enjoy just being in Athens. I hope to post more later but will leave you with a picture of us but it has been a while since this one.
Marty R.
Here We Go!
What fun, what fun! Welcome everyone!
How exciting that within just a few hours of asking for team members for this Clements High School 1980s blog, eight people had already signed up!
It'll be so much fun to be able to keep in touch between reunions!
If anyone has a web page or personal blog you'd like listed under "links" on this blog, just let me know at
Also, if you know of anyone who might like to be added as a team member, let me know!'s what I've been up to lately.
This is my family: Myself, husband Brian, and son, Nash (now 19 months old).
I did not return to my job as a newspaper reporter after Nash was born. I've still been doing some freelance writing and in November, I went to work part-time as Recycling Coordinator for Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful.
Nash didn't care too much for Santa this Christmas. Of course, if he'd looked a little closer he might've recognized his first cousin Jonathon (my sister's 16-year-old son) and then he would either have been mightiliy confused or happily excited because he dearly loves to play with "Jon-Jon."
OK, then, that's all for me for now. I cant' wait to read up on what everyone else is up to these days!
How exciting that within just a few hours of asking for team members for this Clements High School 1980s blog, eight people had already signed up!
It'll be so much fun to be able to keep in touch between reunions!
If anyone has a web page or personal blog you'd like listed under "links" on this blog, just let me know at
Also, if you know of anyone who might like to be added as a team member, let me know!'s what I've been up to lately.

I did not return to my job as a newspaper reporter after Nash was born. I've still been doing some freelance writing and in November, I went to work part-time as Recycling Coordinator for Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful.

OK, then, that's all for me for now. I cant' wait to read up on what everyone else is up to these days!
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